Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Velvet Lace Ruffle Die Collection - is fantastic!

I’m writing this blog entry on Tuesday evening ready for publishing on Wednesday morning… but I don’t want to. All day long the TV news has been showing coverage of the senseless and barbaric events that occurred in Manchester and I’m sure we’ve all watched on with heavy hearts.  When considering incidents like that, then greetings cards and papercraft becomes so trivial in comparison.

But, after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to go ahead with the blog, as difficult as that is at the moment.  A lot of people, politicians and top ranking police officers among them, have been saying today that we should carry on as normal and make it plain that we will never bow down to these savage acts of terrorism.  I've come to the conclusion that I believe they are right. So here I am, carrying on as normal.  I hope you manage to do the same…

I recently did a TV show that began at 8am.  This means my alarm goes off at 4.20am sharp.  How my hubby loves these early morning wake ups...

On the show I demonstrated the Tattered Lace Velvet Lace Ruffle Die Collection, and I am very impressed with it. 

They are ‘Essentials’ but they give you so much more than the basic essentials as you can use them for all sorts of things.  They are incredibly useful, incredibly versatile. You can use them for Shabby Chics, for Clean and Simples, you can add detailing, you can snip into them, you can use them for mats and layering, for frames, for apertures… whatever you want to do, these dies are going to work for you.

Ruffles is the name of the game here – ruffles and velvet are trending.  We’ve seen them on the catwalk and in the high street fashionable clothes shops, and now ruffles are coming into papercraft. The smart thing about these dies is that there is no uniform finish to the edging.  Each one is different from the rest, giving a very lifelike appearance of a real ruffle.

In order to demonstrate the many varied uses of the ruffle dies on the show, we used them to create, among other things, a rosette, a rocker card, a gatefold card, a layered Anniversary plaque, the ruffles on a dress and a decorative neckline on another dress.

In one brilliant card put together by the design team, there was a rectangular ruffle die used, then one edge of the same die used again, plus the smallest circle ruffle die, and the mini-ruffle rectangular die thrown in there for good measure.  The result was fantastic and I don’t think the TV pictures did it justice.

As I’ve said before in this blog, the only limit is your own imagination!

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