Sunday 19 March 2017

Peek Of The Week - The Paisley Parade Collection

It’s Peek of the Week Day today – don’t they come round quickly? This time I’d like to share with you my recent experiences with the Tattered Lace Paisley Parade Collection. 

This collection launched on Thursday night and by the time I did the show on Saturday afternoon a whopping 75% of the Paisley Parade stock had gone already.  I’m not surprised at all, I have to say – I shut myself up in my craft room for over 3 days with this collection, just because I love it so much!

It’s the versatility I love; with this collection you can make floating cards which are magnificent, interlocking cards, you name it.  And you can make them as complex or as simple as you wish.  They offer an opportunity to add real dimension to your cards.  Dan Bancroft, the presenter I worked with on the Saturday afternoon show, pointed out that cards made with this collection look “upper class”.  Dan, I know what you mean!

Although three days in my craft room may sound obsessive, there are a lot of things to play with in this collection of 26 dies and a CD ROM.  There are 219 backgrounds on the CD ROM and twelve sheets of sentiments.  The sentiment sheets are A4 size, and the sentiments match the shape of the dies.  A lot of the backgrounds have a soft ‘watercolour’ effect, and use subtle (not to mention seasonal!) Spring and Easter type colours if you see what I mean, a lovely range of subdued blues, greens, yellows and oranges.

My demo on that Saturday show was a little different from the norm, but I wanted to show how, using different coloured card bases with the same two pieces from the die collection, you can make some really different looking cards, like these:

An Over The Edge Card

A4, folded in half

A4 folded in half, then the front halved vertically

With front aperture

So, with just three shapes we’ve created, very quickly and very simply, five different styles of card!  Fantastic!    

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